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录入编辑:安徽文广知识产权 | 发布时间:2024-09-29
WIPO中国:关于马德里体系,你想了解的都在这里什么是马德里体系?What is the Madrid System?马德里体系是针对全球商标注册和管理的解决方案,涵盖了全球131个国家,代表全球贸易量的80%以上。马德里体系具有覆盖全球、方便、具性价比等···



What is the Madrid System?


The Madrid System is a global trademark registration and management solution, covering 131 countries and representing over 80% of global trade. The benefits of the Madrid System include global coverage, convenience, and cost-effectiveness.


Why register a trademark under

the Madrid System?


Single user-friendly platform


The Madrid System provides a centralized process for international trademark application and management. Through the eMadrid platform, applicants can file a single application for international trademark registration in one language (English, French, or Spanish), pay one set of fees in one currency (Swiss francs), and obtain protection for their marks in multiple territories simultaneously.


This centralized trademark management model meets the needs of companies looking to expand their business overseas. As these companies grow and expand globally, they can quickly apply for trademark protection in new markets and use the unified platform to manage and renew their trademarks.

2. 节约时间和经济成本

Time and cost saving


By registering an international trademark through the Madrid System, the registrant could avoid preparing multiple national or regional applications and paying for the translations into other languages, while skipping the cumbersome procedures of filing applications with the trademark offices of various countries or regions. This largely reduces the time, costs and efforts for the companies.

3. 广泛的地域覆盖面

Wide geographical coverage


The Madrid System protects the trademark rights of registrants in 131 countries. This includes most developed countries, many developing countries, and countries in transition, as well as the European Union and the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI). As the membership of the Madrid System continues to grow, so does its coverage and impact.


Who can use the Madrid System?


Individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises, trademark agencies, and large corporations, can all use the Madrid System to register their trademarks internationally and protect their trademarks worldwide.


* Please note that applicants should ensure that they have obtained or applied for trademark protection in the IP Office of their own country (which must be a Member of the Madrid System) before they utilize the Madrid System for international trademark registration.


How to use the Madrid System?


The Madrid System provides comprehensive support for international trademark registration throughout the entire cycle from filing to renewal. eMadrid is the online service platform of the Madrid System and provides all the tools and resources that international trademark applicants need to file their applications, manage their trademarks, and search and monitor their trademarks themselves.


Step 1: International Trademark Search


Before filing a Madrid international trademark application, applicants can use the global brand database provided by eMadrid to search for similar or identical trademarks in multiple countries to avoid conflicts with the existing trademarks and optimize the filing strategy.


* Please note in particular that if the name, pattern or design of the trademark to be applied for registration is identical or similar to an earlier trademark registered or applied for, this trademark could not be registered.


Step 2: Filing an International Trademark Application


After ensuring the availability of the international trademark in the target market, the applicants can next file the application via eMadrid. (Chinese applicants may file Madrid applications through the China National Intellectual Property Administration.) The registration platform is available in English, French, and Spanish, and applicants can select the language according to their language preference. Finally, the applicant can pay the fees in Swiss Francs as the single settlement currency to complete the application. Once the application has been submitted, the applicants can track the progress of their application online.


* Please note that applicants should ensure that they have obtained or applied for trademark protection in the IP Office of their own country (which must be a Member of the Madrid System) before they utilize the Madrid System for international trademark registration.


Step 3: Managing Trademark Registrations


In addition to filing trademark applications, managing and extending the scope of trademarks is also crucial. Trademark owners can use the eMadrid System to centrally manage trademark registrations and expand the scope of registrations, including adjusting goods and services, managing representative information, changing contact details, changing ownership, renewals, etc.


International Trademark Registration Fees


The Madrid international trademark registration fees consist of:

• 基础注册费:无论国际商标注册人指定多少个国家,都需要交纳一份基础注册费,这是向世界知识产权组织(WIPO)缴纳的费用,用于注册国际商标。基础注册费因商标的颜色不同而有差异,黑白商标为653瑞士法郎,彩色商标为903瑞士法郎。

• Basic registration Fee: A basic registration fee is payable to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for international trademark registration, regardless of the number of countries designated by the applicant. The basic registration fee varies by the color of the mark, ranging from 653 Swiss francs for a black and white mark to 903 Swiss francs for a color mark.

• 补充注册费:向每个指定的马德里体系成员申请商标注册时,需要支付100瑞士法郎的补充注册费。

• Complementary registration Fee: A complementary registration fee of 100 Swiss francs is payable for each member of the Madrid System designated in the application for trademark registration.

• 附加注册费:如果注册人商标的商品或服务的类别超过3个,那么每增加一个类别,需要额外支付100瑞士法郎的附加注册费。

• Supplementary registration Fee: If more than 3 classes of goods or services are indicated for trademark registration, a supplementary registration fee of CHF 100 is payable for each class of goods or services in excess of 3.

• 单独规费:一些国家可能会对在该国注册的国际商标收取额外费用。具体金额通常根据各个国家的规定而有所不同。

• Individual fees: Some countries may charge an additional fee for registering an international trademark in that country. The exact amount usually varies according to each country's regulations.


You can quickly estimate the cost of trademark registration by using the fee calculator provided by eMadrid on the WIPO website.


Want to learn more about the Madrid System? Have questions about how the system works? You can join our exclusive and customized interactive webinar in Chinese!



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